Hiya therapists & coaches

Are you a therapist/ coach/ wellness worker using Instagram to grow your business, yet getting no results?

Do you see other people’s Instagram account thriving, while your’s barely gets any traction?

Are you feeling overwhelmed at the prospect of content creation, not knowing what to share?

Does graphic design give you brain fog?

Well… you’re in the right place.

I grew my instagram page by 25k followers in one year & this afforded me the opportunity to quit my NHS job, spend more time at home and I work fully in private practice.

And I help therapists grow thriving practices, build confidence using social media (let’s face it, it can be a brain fuzz) so they can find freedom in their work; instead of being tied to toxic work environments and heavy caseloads.

Our Services


Helping therapists (like you!) build thriving practices and boost confidence in using Instagram, either as a one off session or longer term.


Essential courses for therapists to build their private practice and market on social media. Filled with step by step methods to ditch the anxiety & grow your confidence.


I offer supervision to Psychotherapists, both experienced and newly qualified.

Sign up, for my free weekly newsletter. Featuring all things Instagram confidence building, how to manage difficulties like imposter syndrome, Insta growth and marketing.